Hot Enough For You?
And why is it that you decide the weather? Why are you the one who is being consulted? Please, we are all so hot. Let it be hot enough.
To start; a short announcement. The Dr. McNinja site is down, and won’t be back for a little while. Something went Wrong in the server, and after a week of the host basically doing this...
...I decided to cut loose. Hug your websites, friends. They won't necessarily be here forever. I still own the domain, and I'll bring the comic back online eventually. I'm just looking for the best option that won't cost me $2400 a year in hosting fees. I’ll announce its return in this newsletter.
In the meantime, you can still read the digital collections from Dark Horse (though I know this does not cover the entirety of Dr. McNinja's saga) As far as physical editions, I simply have to shrug and say, "Maybe someday!"
Dark Horse holds the rights to the print comic, and for now, they don't want to make more. I have a suspicion that getting the entire thing into print again would have to be preceded by a big (and popular) Dr. McNinja relaunch. I haven't quite figured out how (or if) I'd like to do that! Ideas occasionally find their way in, but I'm not rushing it.
For those of you in need of some stone cold deadpan silliness (and a few ninjas), I MUST recommend Olympus: A Retrospective. It's a brilliantly made faux documentary about a Sapphire & Steel or Dr. Who-esque 1970s British sci-fi tv show. You can watch the whole thing on Youtube. I did the art for the channel icon!
But enough about other people’s stuff. Here are my plugs.
I recently had a great time on the Focused on Comics podcast to talk about my work on the Five Nights at Freddy's graphic novels. I don't get to talk about the Freddy's stuff publicly that often, so this is a rare treat.
Rude Tales of Magic has been adopted by the Headgum podcast network! Episodes now come out every other Tuesday, guar-an-teed. If you haven't listened to the show in a while, catch up before the entire party of adventurers dies and goes to Hell (which is something they are actively pursuing, and will happen very soon).
On Oh These, Those Stars of Space, we're joined by a very special guest - Mr. Ryan Q. North! You know Ryan's a real freak for this Star Trek comedy stuff, and the episode is fantastic. You don't need to know anything about the show to check this one out. In fact every episode of OTTSS is self contained! Only listen to the ones you think you'll like! (ha ha it will be all of them)
For those of you who want to read comics to your kids that YOU'LL actually enjoy too, check out Investigators Presents: Agents of SUIT! It was recently named one of Amazon's best kids books of 2023 (so far)! You can also pre-order the next book in the series - From Badger To Worse.
Okay I’m done typing now.
Would it be possible to start re-releasing on a 3rd party website without giving up any of your rights? Putting this on webtoons on a daily or weekly basis might generate hype for physical prints, especially if you don't have to pay for hosting. I'll admit I'm also one of those jonesing for a physical copy of the last volume.
I don’t have anything helpful to add, just wanted to say I continue to hope you find a way to print the Dr McNinja finale. Volume 1 (pre-McBonald) was the first comic I ever purchased and my collection is looking awful incomplete without the End.
Also in my Night Powers you sketched Boba Fett with a mustache on his helmet, back when Boba Fett was still cool.